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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Great satisfaction!

i bought this new new converse shoe from I.P zone....for just looks like cheap school shoe isnt it?.but i got big plans for it!..........
my first attempt..without my M.cNICK logo yet.i like it already!

before and after my color

before n after

my left side of the shoe didnt turn out as i like it :(...
oh well.......I still love my new shoes.its like i got myself a VINTAGE pair of step!.i am going to color the whole shoe!
Even if your shoes are old and worn out and you don't feel like revamping them to wear, you can decorate your Converse shoes and give them a new use. One interesting sneaker project is to decorate your shoes and then weight them by filling them with stones and use them as bookends. This is an especially good use for high-top converse shoes and you can starch them before you decorate so that they stand up straight.

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